Post-Remediation Verification

Post-Remediation Cleanup Specialists in florida

The Post-Mold Remediation Experts in Florida
So, you had your mold issue professionally remedied. What next? After the mold has been removed and the area has been remediated to prevent its return, then it’s time for a post-mold remediation inspection.
Also known as a clearance inspection, this process includes visual inspection of building materials and moisture assessment of the work area and air quality testing. Both are needed to properly evaluate whether remediation of the mold has been successful or not.
When remediation and clean-up efforts are finished but before containment is removed, testing will be done. Our licensed mold assessment consultants will perform the final check and sign a mold certificate for you once we deem the project complete and successful.

The Purpose of a Post-Mold Remediation Clearance Inspection

Post-mold remediation clearance tests focus on different evaluations that help to determine the presence of mold in the various areas and whether a mold rehabilitation project has been successful. When the samples are sent to the laboratory it is possible to determine if the dangerous mold levels are in the project area or not.
Clearance checks are intended to determine the effectiveness of mold remediation activities inside existing containment areas in order to record areas that are remedied so that occupants can enter safely.
The results of the clearance testing show only whether the mold is present or not in the sampled areas when the clearance test is carried out. Consequently, they are not a guarantee that the mold does or does not exist in the house as a whole.

When to Schedule a Mold Remediation Inspection

The following criteria should be met before testing and inspection is authorized to confirm that mold remediation work has been carried out appropriately:
  • Once all clearing, mold removal and mold surface cleanup have been completed by the mold remediation company.
  • After correction by the mold remediation company of the processes linked to the mold problem.
  • Before the remediation area is re-occupied by people at higher risks from building concerns about air quality such as asthma, elderly, immune, infants, etc.
  • When the building remains in still-air conditions with the windows and doors closed to the outside.

Our Post-Mold Remediation Process

Keeping Mold at Bay in Florida

Now that you’ve gone through the entire mold process, it is your goal to make it difficult for the mold to return. With any repairs made to your home during the remediation, you have decreased the chances of the mold coming back any time soon. It’s important to note that in cold environments, mold generally does not grow. Warm, wet conditions are ideal for the growth of molds. Most molds need to grow at or above a temperature of 70 ° F (20 °C). Air conditioners can help prevent mold growth by regulating your house temperature.
Can mold come back after remediation? Usually mold problems are resolved after a certified contractor receives a professional mold remediation service alongside repair services for the underlying causes of the infestation. Unfortunately, it is still possible for the mold to return in the future.

Why Choose Super Green Air Control of Florida?

At Super Green Air Control , we offer professional and thorough post-mold remediation services for home and business owners in  Florida. Inspection and testing are what we do best. By dedicating our services exclusively to this part of the mold process, we are committed to providing the most transparent findings to keep you healthy and mold-free. When you call us, you can expect:
  • A Rapid Response. After your initial call, we can often be there same-day or within 24 hours.
  • Attention to Detail. Our thorough inspections, testing and reporting empower you to make the right choices for your home.
  • Licensed & Certified.  We are a certified CMI (Certified Mold Inspector) with InterNACHI®CMI (International Association of Certified Home Inspectors).  We are licensed for post mold remediation inspection and clearance services, asbestos testing, and lead based paint testing.
  • Trained & Experienced.  Our professional inspectors are trained to safely handle any mold situation. We use specialized technology including moisture meters, hygrometers, and infrared cameras. 
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed. Our A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and reviews from our satisfied customers prove how committed we are to the best service.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at 833.431.6653 or visit our contact page.

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For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at 833.431.6653 or fill out the form below.

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For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at 833.431.6653 or fill out the form below.